Multiple projectors one image
Multiple projectors one image in a nutshell
Images from multiple projectors can be combined for getting a larger or brighter image. Geometry adjustment and edge blending technologies will be used if you want to get a seamlessly combined image in the shape you need. Edge blending is the process of overlapping the edges of multiple images and adjusting the brightness to make it look like one large image. The overall effect is a larger or brighter projected image and sometimes increased resolution (final system resolution is also related to your source and all the devices in the middle, like controllers and cables). It is utilised to produce amazing user experience results in places like museums, galleries, immersive rooms, and also in the education sector.
In what circumstances would you need to combine multiple projectors
Employing multiple projectors allows you to create a bigger image, change the scale of an image or improve the quality of your overall resulting display. Using multiple projectors you can make a much wider or taller image with non-standard aspect ratio (16:9 or 4:3). It can be done in two ways: you can use two (or more) separate projectors and line them up, or you can use edge blending technic to combine images into one without seeing any transitioning area. Most projects request for the second way.
Solutions to seamlessly combine multiple projected image into one
One solution is to use projectors which are embedded with edge blending function– edge blending projectors; another type of solution is edge blending add-ons, which can be further identified as PC software based or hardware based (solid-state) In our experience, if only look at edge-blending projectors, you have limited options, and which are usually over-spec and pricy. Most projectors can utilise edge-blending add-ons, which is a much better option if you have a budget limit. To choose between the option of PC software or hardware, if you are looking for solution with better flexibility, stability and easier maintenance, then hardware solution can be a better choice. Different from PC software solution, you can utilize any input device in any format as input source to your edge blending hardware controller and perform real-time geometry adjustment and edge blending, and as it needs no PC, there won’t be any PC OS compatibility issue.
Our shop:
We sell GeoBox edge blending controller, which are pure hardware “all-in-one-box” edge blending controller, enabling any kind of projector into edge blending projector. If you are wondering which models you need, you can always contact us and ask us questions explaining your situation so we can give you our advice. In case you are looking to buy, check out our product page of edge blending processors. If you want to see some examples of what our processors can do and keep up with our site make sure to follow us on twitter and LinkedIn.
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